Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Netvibes is pretty cool.  I had never heard of it before, so I appreciate learning something new and useful.  It is nice to have choices on which sites from which to draw my information for news.  It's getting pretty obvious that some news media sources are more slanted or biased than others, so  I chose to have n.p.r. and  Time magazine feed my homepage.  Of course around here in Michigan, the weather update is a must.

Students could find newsfeeds useful when doing research on a certain subject.  If they were concentrating on a certain subject area, they could have the experts on that subject right at their fingertips each time they open their computer to the internet.  It would be such a time saver, plus it woulds serve as a constant reminder of their mission.


  1. Yes, the start pages that pull info from experts in the field are very useful. I use mine as part of my PLN or Personal Learning Network. There is always something on my page to get me thinking about a new topic, a new item to explore.

  2. Are you thinking about students creating their own page?
